DRecord this my First Trail running story with Pack in Oct'2017
it's such great memory (even during race, I did complained a lot that I would not go for Trail running)..but today I seek for many incoming Trail to challenge myself, and let me go out of the busy life (back to nature might be what I wish)
Lesson learn

iRTA = 3 points
it's such great memory (even during race, I did complained a lot that I would not go for Trail running)..but today I seek for many incoming Trail to challenge myself, and let me go out of the busy life (back to nature might be what I wish)
Lesson learn
- must try upper leg (squat) well enough --> road running can not guarantee trail running perfomance anymore, since it's a different muscle & running skills
- Don't use a new shoe for a race --> it's such painful experience...you must use that new shoes for training to ensure that you get used to and it accept to belong to you :)
- Study a race is a vital thing you must understand overall race & enrivonment, when should speed or conserve some energy in check point.
- Strong mindset is not enough, your body strength need to be well trained enough...
- Don't under-estimate the race...and
- Respect Every Race - each race has its own history before acomplishing
iRTA = 3 points
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