Yes, I have accomplished my first oversea Full Marathon at my 2nd home town (in Singapore) with my New PB 4:38 hours / 42.195km (Garmin time) !!
Overall Singapore Marathon race is really nice which I could run pass many iconic places such as CBD are, Garden by the bay, East Coast park, Singapore rive and Marina bay. and also the weather is quite pretty good for morning run on that race day.
How about my new PB, my Garmin was shown that I completed Full Marathon at 4 hour 38 minutes (42.195km), anyhow I spent total 4:46:15 / 43.4 km from start to finish line...Anyhow, I CAN Achieve my 2017 year goal by target to completed sub 4:45 hours... WOW I CAN DO IT :)
below is my 5 secrets (or) tactics what I had learnt from this marathon (to make me fun faster)
- Don't Stop running until passing the check point... Painful is Temporary, Glory is Forever
- LSD Training is the Top Must Do for better performance. Thanks for BS42 marathon that help me a lot for supporting my LSD training because I felt pretty much better when I ran pass through 30km (less muscle cramp comparing with BS42)
- Drink efficient energy water every checking point from the beginning. to ensure that don't loss the hydration while running marathon.
- Maintain your pace as planned. don't too excite to run too fast during the first 10km
- Chew the big goal into each mile stone, and let accomplish you target in each mile stone

No Pain No Gain
5 December 2017 (37 years old)
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