= Time =
20.70 KM = 2:11 hour
10 KM = 53.30 mins

20.70 KM = 2:11 hour
10 KM = 53.30 mins
- Originally, I plan to complete half marathon within 2 hours, but maybe I came up with the wrong running strategy...coz I ran too much in the first 5 KM (but have a new PB @ 25.3X mins with pace < 5 KM in the first 2km)
- anyway, I felt less energy after 10KM passed,,,that make me realized that this is the negative effect from too fast run... even I have to walk every water station ><"
- At the end, I could complete half marathon at 2:11 hours...sure thing! next time I have to change my running strategy...to conserve more energy in the first 10KM (with pace 5:30), and try to maintain pace 6 till reach the finish line.
Anyway.... again good motto of this event is... No Pain No Gain :)
9 June 2016
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