Inspired by: Tsuda-san's conversation about SQ marathon

Do you know when is the most happiness time for running marathon?
For me, that’s a second when I reach the final line… that second is the most valuable time which money can’t buy
I do believe that many persons are interested to join SQ marathon
(no matter Mini, Half & Full Marathon Distance), but some of you may think
about running marathon is a nightmare with below opinion
Well… quite interested lah, but I’m lack of motivation to run or complete 10KM
OH OMG 10KM !! it’s too hard for me, I have no energy & no more time for practicing
Running is such boring sport… run alone is too
Can’t lah… why I have to suffer & feel painful from running more than 4-5 hours
Well… quite interested lah, but I’m lack of motivation to run or complete 10KM
OH OMG 10KM !! it’s too hard for me, I have no energy & no more time for practicing
Running is such boring sport… run alone is too
Can’t lah… why I have to suffer & feel painful from running more than 4-5 hours
Actually, today I just talked with my boss about how he’s interested to join SQ marathon, it seems he has willing to join, but I can guess he may consider when & how he suppose to prepare or start to practice for his first Mini marathon in Singapore.
With this, I suddenly came up with one idea about “Why don’t we (Company) initiate kind of Buddy System for our Sony Staffs to encourage a new runner to join more this year marathon under Sony Team”
Since, so far we have a HR Buddy System for new Sony employee, why we don’t have kind of a Buddy System for new Sony Runners for upcoming Singapore marathon.
Therefore, this is my idea project which call “Singapore Marathon Buddy System (Run for a Reason, Run for Yourself, Run for SONY Team)
1) FRCSH Initiates “SQ Marathon Buddy
System PJ” by persuading each department join at least 1 team (ex. Boss + Staff)
for buddy partner
2) Each team may be assigned to join
“Sony Buddy training clinic schedule” 1 time / week (maybe 1-2 months before a
> Of course, big boss & his partner (and other senior mgt) will arrange their schedule to join this weekly training together as the project ambassador
> After finishing, may have some soft drink for refreshing & chatting how progress or how do they feel after running
3) FRCSH may record the high discipline
partner who join & attend weekly training clinic for giving token monthly
4) FRCSH may take each buddy group for
posting their photos on the wall (announced board) somewhere in the office (for
their motivation to keep running & others join more &
With above ideas, I do believe we will have tons of new face Sony
runners will join this Singapore Marathon since everyone has willing to try to
do something NEW & CHALLENGING together with their buddy or partner who
stand & run beside them is so important for challenging themselves to go
beyond their limitation.
23 August 2012
23 August 2012
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