70:20:10 Model

The reason why I write this blog due to I have chance to chat my SOTHAI colleagues together with my brother about our career path in the next 4 months (YES, 7 months passed already).

Even, we were enjoying to chat what both of us gonna be or work with.. but I suddenly remembered one of boss article about 70:20:10 model. 

70:20:10 Model is the good HRM theory which is one of my inspiration why I decided to work here in SEA office.

Due to I have chance to read one of boss’s article about a famous principle for human resource development which is “70:20:10 Model”.   That article explains about the important factor of human resource development “70% come from experience by on the job training or OJT” , “20% from feedback” and “10% from learning by training and reading” .  

To be frank, I’m deeply impressed this HRM article so much, because of Job Rotation & OJT is one of important factor why I decided to come over to work in Singapore.

My attention is to rotate to work in head quarter because of need to be a Dummy guy once again who have to feel uncomfortable & awkward to learn & work in the new thing. Also, moving from my comfort zone is another chance to improve my ability to execute my expertise. 

life is so exciting what gonna happen in the nearly future, then no matter what will be, just ''Hope for the best, Plan for the worst" Thus, you will understand & accept what's a next chapter of your life.

25 July 2012
