21 Days to a New Habit

Do you know 21 days can form your new habit?

If no, this article may be a new inspiration for you to do / change something for a new habit in 21 days 

I knew the 21 days rule from one of Brian Tracy book many years ago, he explained about 21 days is a method of doing / being / changing somethings for 21 days continuously that will lead to make or become a NEW HABIT.

Let imagine, what is the bad behavior or activity you do or behave on a daily basis... such as

- Have a heavy dinner or drink beer after work everyday 
- Watch TV right after go back home  
- Feel lazy or depress toward going to the gym or jogging

Of course, I know that all of you know what you did it's not a good habit anymore, but it seems you lose toward another guy in your body that we called "C
onscious Mind". Sorry to say those bad habits are what you have built up over a period of time. 

Fortunately, some of you had chance to attend "the 7 habits course". I think you might know one of effective habit is "Sharpen the Saw" that is described about work-life balance and continue self-improvement & learning.

This is GOOD CHANCE for you to use ''21 days rule'' to enhance your sharpen the saw habit,   but you must have strong motivation & determination to change it!

21 Days Rule 
states that any activity done or avoided for 21 days straight can become a new habits or be gotten rid off. After 21 days, your neural pathways have formed  your new behavior without uncomfortable feeling.

With this, no matter how old are you, how educational background you are, but everyone can change & rid off any bad habits if you have a strong will to take 21 days straight.

Of course, I also would like challenge myself to develop a new habit for 21 days as well, and below is the lists what I want to start something for the next 21 days to develop a better habit.

=My 7 New Habits (Sharpen the Saw)=
As of 23 July, I will challenge myself to

1. Give up Snack for 21 days
2. Meditate for 21 days
3. Write in my blog every day for 21 days
4. Get up before 7am everyday  (so far, this's my bad habit, coz I wake up almost 8AM)
5. Eat or Drink a fruit & vegetable juice for 21 days
6. Read at least 1 hour before sleep for 21 days
7. Jog or exercise for 21 days (2 days rest in each week)

I believe I will see my a new habit in next 21 days...how about you?


22 July 2012

